This month we will be reading, "I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After 20 Years Away" by Bill Bryson. Click on the event title for more information.
Books will be available at the main desk in mid-November. We provide regular print, large print, and audio when it is available. If you would like an alternative format, please let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request!
The Book Club meets on the last Friday of the month at 11 am. We read both fiction and non-fiction. All are welcome to our discussions.
Here's the Zoom link:
Topic: Literary Book Club
Time: Dec 29, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 884 6126 2972
Passcode: 416118
Dial by your location
• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Peterborough Town Library, located downtown at the corner of Main and Concord/Rt 202, has a large meeting room, study rooms, classroom, and a board room available to the public.