An exciting program series featuring the fascinating people living in our region. Learn about your neighbor's expertise, creative work, and stories!
We currently have no speakers booked but look forward to hosting another series soon.
All Peterborough Presents speakers present free of charge at in-person programs hosted at the Peterborough Town Library. We may accomodate a virtual presentation if required.
Have you published a book, taken an amazing trip, have a career story and skill to share, or have a class you'd like to teach? Peterborough Presents is designed to give a platform to local people who want to teach or share. You do not have to have a polished presentation, you just need to be passionate, comfortable speaking to a group, and have a presentation that the community will learn from and enjoy.
To pitch your presentation, email and tell us about your idea. We welcome everyone to pitch their idea and are excited to work with you.
We are currently scheduling spring 2025 speakers.